- İstanbul Marriott Hotel Şişli Abide-i Hürriyet Cd No:142 34381 İstanbul - Türkiye
We’ll be announcing new speakers as they confirm their participation.
Below photos are in alphabetical order by last names of speakers
Burak AydınIntel Turkey General Manager
Mert BaşarTürk Telekom, Chief Marketing Officer
Elif BilginInventor
Zeynep Gürhan CanlıKoç University
Karen CirilloCommunications Specialist, UNDP Eurasia
Mert FıratActor, Founder of www.ihtiyacharitasi.org
Başak ÇubukçuCorrespondent , Al Jazeera Türk
Hansın DoğanPrivate Sector Programme, UNDP in Turkey
Cenk GönenGoal Keeper, Galatasaray FC
Barış DoğruEKOIQ Dergisi Yayın Yönetmeni
Nicolas DouilletCommunications Advisor for Eurasia, UNDP
Hakan DulkadiroğluMinistry of Youth and Sport - General Manager a.i.
Nilay ErdemFacebook Head of Public Policy, Turkey
Bağış ErtenSocrates Sports Magazine
Ahmet EtiCEO, Sebit
Hatice GökçeDesigner
Burcu Özdemir KayımtuTBWA Group Istanbul, CEO
Ercan GümüşManaging Partner at Cool Digital Solutions and founder of www.harcananzaman.com
Meral GüzelEmpower Women Regional Coordinator for Europe and Central Asia, UN Women
Tom HannenExecutive Producer for Video, Financial Times
Murat KansuMicrosoft Turkey – General Manager
Gülnür KarakuzuFounder of Eğlence Sokağı Youtube Channel
Mehmet KarakuzuFather of Gülnur Karakuzu
Şükrü Oktay KılıçEditor, Al Jazeera Türk
Cenk KıvılcımGeneral Manager - Cisco Turkey
Emre KızılkayaDigital Content Coordinator at Hurriyet
Şölen KipözEditor of the “Sustainable Fashion”
Alp KöksalKhan Academy TR Advocate
Özgür Mehmet KütkütTechsoup/Google4NP
Naomi LarssonJournalist - The Guardian
Suat ÖzçağdaşCo-founder, SIM
Ali Ercan ÖzgürFounder of International Development Management (IDEMA) and www.harcananzaman.com
Kamal MalhotraUN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in Turkey
Elizabeth MearnsBBC Media Action
Mete MeleksoyGeneral Manager - Educational Volunteers Foundation of Turkey
Yusuf OmarHead of mobile journalism at Hindustan Times
Gülsin OnayPianist and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador
Başak Yalvaç ÖzçağdaşField and Volunteering Department Chief - TEMA Foundation
Bülent ÖzcanMinistry for EU Affairs - Director for Project Implementation
Uygar ÖzesmiFounder of www.Good4Trust.org
Murad TiryakioğluAfyon Kocatepe University
Monica PrisacariuProgramme Officer for United Nations Volunteers
Ayşe SabuncuCo-Founder - Impact Hub Istanbul
Ozan SakinSofar Sounds İstanbul
Serdar SayarGeneral Manager of Hitachi Data Systems Turkey
Aysun SayınCorporate Responsibility and Sustainability Director of Boyner Grup
Serra TitizMikado Consulting - Social Entrepreneurs
Saba TümerBroadcaster
Fatih TürkmenoğluMC, TV Journalist and Producer, Author
Faik UyanıkUNDP Communications Officer for Turkey
Selin ÜnalExternal Relations and Public Information Officer, UNHCR
Rastislav VrbenskyUNDP Istanbul Regional Hub Manager
Duygu YardımcıMinistry for EU Affairs
Deniz YılmazOriginator of Koton Hand Work Project

Working in the business world for 20 years, N. Mert Başar has started his caret as a product marketing manager at Compaq Company; and then assumed the following roles respectively; product marketing group manager, personal systems group manager and sales manager for large scale customers. Working as Sales and Marketing Manager at Hewlett Packard between 2002 and 2007, Başar then worked for Turkcell as Corporate Customers Marketing Director until 2013.
At Türk Telekom Group, he assumed the Chief Marketing Officer position at TTNET between 2013 and 2014. In 2014, he started to serve as Türk Telekom and TTNET Chief Consumer Marketing Officer, and he has been the Chief Corporate Marketing Officer of Türk Telekom, TTNET and Avea brands since 2015. Since the brand unification of Avea, TTNET and Türk Telekom under the single brand of “Türk Telekom” on January 2016, Mert Başar has been working as Türk Telekom Chief Corporate Marketing Officer.
A graduate of Kadıköy Anatolia High School and Business Administration Faculty at Istanbul University, Mert Başar completed Advanced Management Program (AMP) in IESE Barcelona. Mert Başar was ranked on the list of “50 CMO’s to Watch” in 2014 organized by Global Telecoms Business Magazine and also ranked among the “Most Successful Marketing Managers of the Year” list of Capital Magazine in 2013 and 2014.

Zeynep Gürhan-Canlı is Migros Professor of Marketing at the College of Administrative Sciences and Economics at Koç University. Her recent research with UNDP IICPSD focuses on the role of private sector in development. Her other research interests include consumer information processing in relation to branding and corporate image (brand relationships, co-branding, brand extensions, brand communications, corporate social responsibility), consumer fears and experiences. She completed her Ph.D. in marketing at New York University, Stern School of Business in 1997. Prior to joining Koç University, she was a faculty member in the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan. She has published several articles in leading academic journals. She received a number of awards and was tenured at the University of Michigan in recognition of her productivity and quality of her publications. She is an associate editor for the Journal of Consumer Research and senior editor for International Journal of Research in Marketing. She is on the Editorial Review Boards of the Journal of International Marketing, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, and Journal of Marketing Behavior. She served as the Director of the Graduate School of Business at Koç University between 2010 and 2016. A study published in Journal of Marketing cited her among the top 50 most prolific scholars in the leading marketing journals during 1982-2006 by adjusted publication rate.

Başak Çubukçu was born in İstanbul in 1976. After graduating from the Department of Journalism in the Faculty of Communication, Marmara University, she started working as a correspondent at the ATV News Center in 1995.
She later worked as a senior correspondent at BRT, NTV and CNN TURK news centers where she was the editor and presenter of numerous investigative news stories, news programmes and documentary news.
She received an accolade from the Turkish Journalists’ Association in the ” Documentary News” category for her documentary titled “Restoration on the Surface” in 2005.
After leaving CNN TÜRK, she produced and directed a documentary news programme titled “From the Past to the Future” at Turkish state television, TRT’s Arabic channel.
Çubukçu, who has a special focus on women, children, education, cultural heritage and human stories, has been working as a correspondent at Al Jazeera Türk since 2011.

Leading private sector programme of UNDP in Turkey. Founded Istanbul Private Sector Project Office in 2005 and acted as the head of the office. Created and managed over 50 public-private partnership projects. The projects addressed economic, social and environmental challenges, helped governmental relations and stakeholder management for the companies. Served in the advisory boards of several high impact business organizations and companies. Worked as the interim deputy director of Istanbul International Center for Private Sector in Development during its startup term between 2011 and 2014. Started and managed UN Global Compact Network in Turkey from 2005 till 2009 and handed over to private sector’s leadership. Organized theme and sector based workshops on sustainability issues in and outside of Turkey in cooperation with business organizations, chambers and local governments. Supporting Syria crises response operations and coordinating the private sector’s role in crises response and recovery. Previously worked as an academic on human rights at Ankara University and managed the Human Rights Center of the University. Also worked as a consultant at Turkish Prime Ministry Under-secretariat of Treasury, US Embassy in Ankara and other international organizations between 1997 and 2011, as the President of the CSR Turkey Association between 2010 and 2011. He was also the editor of Human Rights Center Journal, founder and editor of Webkolik e-zine and has translated 5 books.

Cenk Gönen (b. February 21, 1988, İzmir, Turkey) Trained at the Göztepe FC youth academy, Cenk played his first pro match at the age of 16. In 2005, following his transfer from Göztepe FC to Denizlispor FC, young keeper then moved on with Altayspor FC, in 2008, and returned to Denizlispor the very same year. Cenk, who guarded the goal for Denizlispor against Galatasaray in the Turkcell Super League has guarded the U-15 goal twice, U-16 sixteen times, U-17 seven times, U-18 and U-21 twice and been the national keeper twice before, in August 27, 2016 he signed a three-year contract with Galatasaray.

He was graduated from Boğaziçi University, Department of Sociology in 1995. He has a master’s degree from Mimar Sinan University in the field of Sociology and General Methodology. He is still working on his PhD about Sustainability Communication in Marmara University at the Department of Public Relations.
He started his professional career at the THY journal ‘SKYLIFE’ in 1995. He worked as an editor and the editor in chief for different agencies and corporations. He took on the publication of more than 50 magazines from different sectors and fields. He directed the first trekking documentary of Turkey “Likya Yolu” (the Lycian Way) in 2000. The documentary was printed by Okyanus Publishers. Barış Doğru whose book “Umudu Yeşertenler – Ekoloji Söyleşileri” was published by EKOIQ Kitaplığı, is also the translator of works on history of politics and pediatric development.
Also the founder of EKOLOGOS, which works in the field of Sustainability Communication and Management, Barış Doğru for more than five years is working as the editor in chief of the first sustainability-focused, green, business and life magazine of Turkey: EKOIQ.

Nilay Erdem is Facebook’s Head of Public Policy, Turkey. Prior to joining Facebook, Erdem worked as a Director at BTS & Partners for many years. Erdem also worked for Information and Communications Technology (ICT) companies in Turkey. She offered consultancy services in activities carried out in Turkey of pacesetter social media, e-commerce, sharing-economy companies and payment service providers in Silicon Valley. She has written a large number of articles and reports on information and communication technology law and policies and provided various trainings on the same subjects.
Nilay Erdem earned her Bachelor’s degree in Law from Istanbul University and her Master’s degree in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) from East Anglia University.

Ahmet Eti, the CEO of SEBIT 100% subsidiaries of Turk Telekom and Chairman of Sebit LLC as well as the founder of SEBIT AŞ and Sebit LLC (Arizona), is the creator of the award winning Vitamin and Adaptive Curriculum.
Driven by a passion for education and cognisant of technologies potential role on it, he began his carrier in 1988 as a Researcher in TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey). There, he held a succession of positions culminating in his founding of the Computer Aided Education and Multimedia Research Laboratory. Between 1996 and 2002, he managed numerous award winning global projects including Akademedia and its Chinese version, Tian-yi which lead to the acquisition of Sebit by Siemens Business Services. As the Global E-learning Director of Siemens, he implemented the Malaysian Education Ministry’s Math and Science Teaching Courseware Development Project and also spearheaded iClass, the largest educational R&D project of the European Commission’s 6th Framework Programme. After being spun off from Siemens Business Services in 2006, he founded Sebit before selling his stake to Turk Telekom at the end of 2007.
One of the masterpiece product of Sebit Vitamin www.vitaminegitim.com, is an online e-learning solution which covers the entire curriculum of preschool, primary, middle and secondary education.
Turkey’s one and only personalized university preparation product Raunt www.raunt.com, World’s first educational search engine Egitim.com, Turkey’s first educational online shopping site “Vittrin” and a unique teachers’ professional development portal with distinguished live services reaching 120.00 registered users “www.vitaminogretmen.com” are some of the other products realized by his lead.
Adaptive Curriculum, the most recent project under his management has been honoured with several awards including; the CODiE Awards by The Software and Information Industry Association (SIIA) as “The Best Online Educational Solution” and “The Best Virtual School Solution”, “Best Content Service” award in the World Communication Awards and “Distinguished Achievement Award” by the Association of US Educational Publishers.
Eti has also served as the Turkish delegate of UNESCO at the Computer Aided Education Commission in 1989, a member of the Turkish Education Ministry’s Educational Technology Advisory Committee in 1990. In 2001, Eti was chosen Turkey’s Most Creative and Innovative Young Entrepreneur in the World Junior Entrepreneur Businessman Contest and in 2004 was honoured by the Professor Mustafa N. Parlar Training and Research Association’s Technology Encouragement Award.
Ahmet Eti received a B.S. and M.S. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Middle East Technical University. He developed and held many projects in various countries for both governments and NGO’s with his expertise in creating and modelling innovative education solutions and highly contributed to the transformation of education globally.

She started her business life in Manajans Thompson in 2000. Then she offered her services to many brands for 2.5 years in Güzel Sanatlar – Saatchi&Saatchi. She worked in Canada Vancouver Symphony Orchestra marketing department for 8 months before she returned to Turkey. She joined TBWA\ISTANBUL in 2003. During her 13 years in TBWA\ISTANBUL she worked in many positions from Brand Representative to Managing Director and offered her services to many local and international brands.
After her promotion as the Managing Director, TBWA\ISTANBUL was recognized as “The Agency of the Year” for 2013 and 2014 by AdAge&MediaCat.
It was chosen the “Best Advertising Agency” by Capital for two consecutive years.
She started organizing “Advertising” lessons for senior advertising students in Bilgi University for introducing new talents to the sector between 2007 and 2012.
She participated in Association of Advertising Agencies Administration and Advertising Self-Regulatory Board for 2011-2012.
She was nominated in the 2015 Women to Watch Awards as one of the 13 professional women in Turkey who made a difference
She is married. Mother to Deniz.

Murat Kansu has 26 years of experience in IT sector. Kansu joined Microsoft’s leadership team in 2003 as Middle East and Africa Server and Tools Business Group Lead. During his time, Microsoft’s Server and Tools business outperformed and achieved a threefold growth in revenue.
Between 2007 and 2010, Kansu acted as the Director of Business Operations in Microsoft Middle East and Africa, and contributed to the high performance of the region by orchestrating the functions and implementing Microsoft’s strategic plans. Murat Kansu was responsible for 80 different countries while he was managing Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) Business of Microsoft Middle East and Africa. During these three years, Kansu was deeply involved with the growth and distribution of Microsoft software across devices among local and global OEMs.
Since September 1st, 2015, Murat Kansu is the General Manager of Microsoft Turkey.

Gülnur Karakuzu (11) is the founder of Eğlence Sokağı Youtube channel with almost 100K followers which publishes science focused videos. She lives with her family in Tokat.

Mehmet Karakuzu is the father of Gülnur, the owner of Eğlence Sokağı Youtube channel. He lives with his family and works as a cleric in Tokat.

Şükrü Oktay Kılıç is editor of new media desk at Al Jazeera Turk. He has started working in the field of journalism at the student newspaper of Istanbul University in 2008. He worked as a correspondent at Daily Radikal and covered news stories mostly about student movements and human rights in Turkey.
He has been with Al Jazeera since 2014 and responsible of developing new methods of creating and distributing content across the social media space, leading all major online editorial social media campaigns, creating and overseeing the engagement strategies.

ŞÖLEN KİPÖZ had her bachelor study at the Industrial Design Department, Middle East Technical University ; masters degree from Dokuz Eylül University Fine Arts Faculty, Textile Department, and PhD from Communications & Public Relations Department in the field of Fashion Communications in Aegean University. Her post-doctorate research on Fashion Management took place in Bologna University through a scholarship from Italian Government. She started her academic career in Dokuz Eylül University where she conducted jewelry design projects; She was awarded with best-accessory prize in Beymen-Academia design competition , and participated as a designer in a trend catalog project/Gold Trends Turkey for World Gold Council. She worked as an academic member in Izmir Institute of Technology Industrial Design Master Program. In 2001 she is assigned as a founding academic member of Izmir University of Economics, Fashion Design Department. Currently she is working there as an associate prof.dr, where she delivers courses entitled Fashion Theory, Trend Analysis and Predictions, Graduation Thesis, Fashion Editorial and Writing in Fashion and Textile Design Department and masters/ phd courses as Ethics and Social Responsibility in Design and Narratives in Art and Design in Design Studies program.
Apart from conducting trend research projects and publishing trend books for bridal, jewelry and ready to wear sector, her research interests and publications cover conceptual fashion design, interdisciplinary fashion studies, and ethical and sustainable fashion design. She edited the book entitled Dress Against Disaster (2007), which provided a theoretical basis for a design project exhibited in Social Design Bienale in Utrecth. Her new book entitled Sustainable Fashion (2015) has been influential in the path of slow and ethical fashion and opened a new channel as Ahimsa fashion. Her research covering ethical and sustainable fashion which she challenges the borders between design, art and crafts, has outcomes as some artistic presentations and exhibitions. Her personal exhibition Ahimsa: The other life of clothes (2012) and her installations and performances for PortIzmir3 International Contemporary Art Triennial (2014) are notable. The rag doll which can be produced and personalized by the user, which she designed as a part of the installation “The Legacy in the Pocket” is registered as a utility model by Turkish Patent Institute. Kipöz , first shared this project with women communities and nowadays she is producing and creating together with children and teenagers.

Mr. Meleksoy is a graduate of Robert College. He got his BA from Bogazici University Dept. of Political Science, and his MA from Marmara University European Union Institute. Mr. Meleksoy worked for the European Commission at its Brussels headquarters and at its delegation in Ankara. He specialized in Customs Union and EU projects. During his time in investment banking, he worked with institutional investors in world’s key financial capitals. Mr. Meleksoy was a founder of Alisbagis.com.tr, an innovative example to social entrepreneurship, which raised funds for Turkey’s leading civil society organizations by mobilizing millions of people over the Internet.
He also led individual civil society projects in Turkey covering a vast geographical area. Mr. Meleksoy served as the Secretary-General of the Istanbul Chamber of Industry, Turkey’s oldest and largest, from 2006 to 2013. He is currently the General Manager of TEGV, Turkey’s leading foundation for children’s education. He is married and father to a daughter

(b. 1977, Ankara) She graduated from the Department of Social Sciences under the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Hacettepe University. After her voluntary work at establishments such as United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and Uçan Süpürge (the Flying Broom), she worked at the Department of Education and Protection of the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund’s (UNICEF) as a Consultant between 2000-2002 and Educational Volunteers Foundation of Turkey as a Volunteer Coordinator between 2003-2011. She continues to work in the field of civil society and volunteerism since 2012 as The Field and Volunteering Department Chief in TEMA Foundation.

Monica Prisacariu came in Turkey four months ago, as Programme Officer for United Nations Volunteers in Turkey, after spending more than two years in the same job, in Egypt. The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme contributes to volunteerism for development by advocating for volunteerism globally, encouraging the integration of volunteerism into development programming, and mobilizing volunteers.
Before joining UNV, Monica worked in Romania as Programme Manager, community facilitator, HR consultant and trainer, and in Tajikistan, as Capacity Building consultant for grass roots NGOs .
Monica is passionate about nonformal education, community development, and innovative solutions in tackling issues associated with poor housing. Her motto is: “If something is too stable, than has to be changed!”

Aysun Sayın is Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Director of Boyner Grup. Ms. Sayın, studied Anthropology and has a master degree in Gender Studies and Business Administration.
At Boyner Group, she is responsible for social and environmental performance including Supply Chain Sustainability. She is also working on social entrepreneurship and strategic philanthropy field at Boyner Vakfı Buluşum platform. www.bulusum.biz
Being active in civil society and working within Boyner Group, she has specialized on social development, especially on women rights and on labour market issues.
She represents Boyner group as a member of United Nations Global Compact Advisory Group on Supply Chain Sustainability and as the chair of Global Compact Turkey Network Supply Chain Sustainability. She has been elected as a Eisenhower Fellow 2010, since 2010, She also advisory board member of the Global Fund for Women -Middle East North Africa in 2010.

Serra Titiz has been working on sustainable development since 2003. She worked with youth, with women and vocational groups at large NGOs at managerial levels, has participated to international programs on NGOs and Civic Activism. Her work has always been a reflection of social innovation.
Today, Serra Titiz is the founder and the managing director of a social enterprise: Mikado Sustainable Development Consulting, in Istanbul, Turkey. Mikado, is a social enterprise that crafts models for sustainable development. Mikado develops models through viable partnerships among private sector, civil society, educational institutions and public organizations and through mobilizing and matching existing resources with the needs of the society. (www.mikadoconsulting.com). Mikado is the first B Corp Company in Turkey and was selected amongst the “Best For The World” companies in 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016. Mikado acts like an incubation center and a catalyst for social innovation.
One example is the “Future is Brighter” Youth Platform (www.gelecekdaha.net), which is an online platform, creating social impact through use of technology. The Project is targeting youth unemployment and enables knowledge and experience sharing without any time and space restriction for youth to make more informed decisions about their education, career and life. The e-mentoring module is a prominent tool developed to enable volunteers (400 today) to meet and share professional expertise with students.
Besides her work at Mikado Consulting, Serra serves as senior expert at various UNDP projects.
Serra has been named Ashoka Fellow in 2013. She is an Eisenhower Fellow.
Serra obtained her bachelor’s degree in Sociology from Bosphorus University, Istanbul; then obtained her masters degree in Business Administration from Aston University, Birmingham, England. Serra has various certificates on sustainability management, impact measurement and social entrepreneurship.

- SGS Programming will run from 12:00 to 18:00.
- Times and names are subject to change, please refer to the website for the most up to date information