Your Name (required)

Company/Organization Name(required)

Your Email (required)

Suggested Speaker/Panelist Name (required)

Suggested Speaker/Panelist Company or Organization (required)

Suggested Speaker/Panelist Title (required)

Suggested Title of Session/Presentation

Topic of Session/Presentation

Digital Angle: Please describe the digital focus of your suggested presentation or session

Social Good Angle: Please describe the social good focus of your suggested presentation or session

Unique Aspect: We're looking for brand new discussions at SGS and ask that you don't recycle presentations already given or content that could be found elsewhere. What fresh perspective does this topic bring to the table?

Have you or anyone from your organization been on a panel or spoken at a previous Social Good Summit? If so, please briefly describe what the presentation entailed

Video links to previous speaking engagements.

Preferred speaking method