Having studied in both Turkey and the United States at high-school and undergraduate levels, Alp Köksal has developed a global and multicultural perspective on education. After graduating from high school in the United States, he has earned his BA degree in Business Administration and MA degree in European Studies as the highest ranking graduate. Alp has worked as a doctoral level research associate at Boğaziçi University and he is currently a PhD candidate in the Department of Political Science and International Relations. He has conducted comparative research on Turkey versus developed and developing countries with a focus on social policy and education. Alp has brought his interest in multicultural education, non-profit work and academic background together when he joined the startup Khan Academy TR, the first international initiative of the U.S. based education platform in 2012. Khan Academy is a non-profit, which has delivered nearly 1 billion online lessons in 36 languages. An NGO with the goal to support lifelong learning and a mission to change education for the better. Also, the General Manager of STFA Group’s Foundation for Translation of Scientific and Technical Publications; Alp leads the operation of translating, localizing and introducing Khan Academy to Turkish speakers in the world. Alp has been the advocate of Khan Academy in Turkey, having participated in numerous conferences on education technologies, innovation and social entreprenourship. He has aslo found a chance to share his story on the TEDx stage and he has been invited to keynote the first Educational Technologies Summit organized by the Ministry of National Education in 2015.